Map of the floorpan of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum showing all nine Galleries, the lobby, restrooms, and Museum Store

Visit the Museum

Check out everything you need to know to visit the Museum galleries.

Visit the Museum galleries

Current Exhibitions

The Museum presents a variety of changing exhibitions surrounding the art and life of Georgia O’Keeffe.

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Upcoming Events

Blue circle in center of paper, with an orange circle encompassing the blue circle. A blue single stroke encompasses the orange, with a stroke leaving the circle towards the upper right and another stroke towards the bottom left of the paper. Intermissions of orange and blue strokes encompasses this circle.

Past Event Classes

Online Class: Color Mixing for Watercolorists


Friday, April 19


Place/Holding in text with molded organic figures created with recycled plastic in different colors underneath.

Past Event Community Events

Free Event! ‘Place/Holding’ Exhibition Opening

Santa Fe Railyard Plaza

Friday, April 19


Photograph of a truck with a desert horizon and cloud motifs on the side along with the heading 'Art to G.O.' and the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Logo. Behind the truck are crowd of people under green trees.

Event Community Events

Art to G.O. at Earth Day Celebration

Santa Fe Railyard Park

Saturday, April 20
