Past Exhibition
Georgia O’Keeffe, a Life Well Lived: Photographs by Malcolm Varon
April 7, 2022 - November 28, 2022
Santa Fe, NM
Museum Galleries
Never-before-seen photographs of O'Keeffe and her life in Northern New Mexico.
In 1977 a correspondent from Art News arrived in Abiquiú to prepare a piece on “Georgia O’Keeffe at 90.” Upon arrival, she discovered that there were no recent photographs of O’Keeffe available to illustrate the article, however, the photographer Malcolm Varon (O’Keeffe’s preferred art photographer) happened to be visiting. Varon shot more than 70 color images capturing not only portraits of the artist, but also of her life in Northern New Mexico. The magazine published five of the photographs. This exhibition brings together many of Varon’s unpublished images, capturing O’Keeffe during a far less documented period of her life, in full color, relaxed in the familiar home and landscape she loved so much. The exhibition is co-curated by Georgia O’Keeffe scholar, Barbara Buhler Lynes.
Malcolm Varon. Georgia O’Keeffe and Juan Hamilton strolling in the fields at Ghost Ranch, 1977 (print date 2021). Malcolm Varon. Georgia O’Keeffe Sitting in the Portal at Ghost Ranch, 1977 (print date 2021). Malcolm Varon. Georgia O’Keeffe at Ghost Ranch, 1977 (print date 2021).