First Friday | Species Pending

  • Friday, June 6
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MT
  • 217 Johnson Street. Santa Fe, NM 87501

Join us for extended hours at the Museum on the First Friday of every month! Admission is free from 5:00 PM–7:00 PM.

Join us for extended hours at the Museum on the First Friday of every month! Admission is free from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. The Art to G.O. Mobile Artists in Residence, Animkeewa White Eagle and Jamison Chās Banks, will bring their exhibition Species Pending to the Museum in the Axle Contemporary truck to the Museum courtyard. Stop by to see their work which reimagines the historical narrative based on the shuvosaurid or proto-dinosaur Effifia okeeffeae, whose name is a tribute to Georgia O’Keeffe.

Make it an art-filled evening and visit our First Friday partners in downtown Santa Fe. First Friday partners include: 

Patina Gallery 
Victory Gallery 
New Mexico Museum Foundation Shops 
Owings Gallery on Palace 
Hecho Gallery 
Peyton Wright Galleries 
New Mexico History Museum 
Sorrel Sky Gallery 
New Mexico Museum of Art 

Upcoming Events

Photograph of a group of children and an adult standing over a table as they work on creative activities with paint.

Event Community Events

Fine Art Friday at the Santa Fe Children's Museum: Button Bouquets 


Friday, February 7


A photograph of two people taken from behind, they are standing close together looking at O’Keeffe’s painting ‘Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico / Out Back of Marie’s II’ in the Museum galleries.

Event First Fridays

First Friday | Portraits of Love

217 Johnson Street. Santa Fe, NM 87501

Friday, February 7


Large white flower dominant in center of canvas. Green leaves surrounding flower. Floating in a blue sky background.

Event Classes

Online Class: O’Keeffe’s Jimson Weed in Soft Pastels


Friday, February 7
