Online Class: Expressive! Book of Treasures | Capturing Everyday Beauty with Gouache

  • Tuesday, February 11
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM MT
  • Online

Space is limited, registration required. Please email or call 505-946-1000 for assistance with event registration.

For years, instructor Morgan Jones has used gouache to capture the beauty of everyday objects as artworks in her “book of treasures.” For this class, take time to appreciate the qualities of ordinary things by beginning your own “book of treasures” using gouache.  

In this foundational course, participants will learn the qualities of gouache and its exciting ability to flow like water, but blend like oils. In this special “Expressive” edition of the class, students will use loose and gestural paint application to create quick and expressive studies to add to their own “book of treasures.” 

This class is suitable for all levels and will be a recurring offering. Join us for future sessions to continue building gouache skills while expanding your “book of treasures.”

This class is suitable for youth ages 12 and up. Children are welcome to participate alongside their adults.

Space is limited, reservations required.

This program will take place via the video conferencing app – ZOOM. Details for accessing the Zoom meeting will be with your receipt upon registering and again sent via email the day prior. Please register in advance in order to access the program.

Note that all program times are in Mountain Time.

Supplies Needed for this Class:

• Gouache set with primary colors + white and black (instructor will use M. Graham 1/2-Ounce Tube 5 Color Gouache Paint Primary Set, but more affordable beginner sets are welcome. Avoid acrylic gouache) 

• Watercolor or mixed media paper 

• Watercolor palette (instructor will use Metal Watercolor Tin Box)

• Varied Acrylic/watercolor brushes 

• Pencil 

• Eraser 

• Paper-towel

• Cup of Water

About the Instructor:

Photograph of a person with long light hair sitting with their hands crossed a table in an artist's studio. Behind them on the wall are several different types of dried plants pinned up for reference.

A passionate artist and experienced educator, Morgan Jones has spent the last 9 years developing these crafts. She seeks to explore how art can serve as a medium to move us both individually and communally. Her time teaching in public schools, juvenile detention, and community centers has deepened her belief that art is a fundamental means of knowing, connecting, and transforming. In addition to Fine Arts, Morgan studied Art Education at Texas State University as well as Criminal and Social Justice at the College of the Rockies in BC Canada. Morgan’s professional painting practice focuses on plein-air landscape assemblage and multiple exposure oil paintings that call into question ideas of impermanence, memory and conservation. After spending a year living on the road, developing her art from her mobile travel trailer studio, she has settled in Santa Fe to split her time between teaching and creating. Find more about her work on her website or on Instagram at @painting.nomad

This class is being offered on a sliding scale.

$10 minimal fee.

$20 covers the cost of the class.

$30 covers the cost of the class, plus a contribution to support educational programs.

Photo by Morgan Jones

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