Two New Exhibitions Set to Open at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Artist’s Personal Belongings will be Showcased

Radical Abstraction brings together signature works; Georgia O’Keeffe: Making a Life will bring clothing, furniture, art supplies, and other collection items to the Santa Fe Galleries
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE–November 18, 2022 (Santa Fe, NM)–December will bring two new exhibitions to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum with signature paintings returning to the galleries and O’Keeffe’s personal belongings taking center stage in the Museum for the first time in more than a decade.
Radical Abstraction opens on December 2 and brings together important works in the Museum’s collection that have returned from the internationally lauded European tour in Madrid, Paris, and Basel. The artworks, including My Last Door, 1952-1954, and Skunk Cabbage, 1922, are from all periods of O’Keeffe’s career and feature themes O’Keeffe painted repeatedly, including landscapes and views of her Abiquiú patio.Soon after, Georgia O’Keeffe: Making a Life will bring the galleries to life with scenes from O’Keeffe’s studio, pantry, and home life. Opening December 8, the exhibition will allow visitors to learn more about O’Keeffe’s lifestyle through a display of artwork alongside personal belongings, dinnerware gardening tools, furniture, artist supplies, and more.Making a Life will debut five years after the blockbuster exhibit Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern dazzled audiences at the Brooklyn Art Museum and centers around O’Keeffe as a maker.
Carol Sarkisian. Dress, Wrap, ca. 1970s. Cotton, 42 1/2 x 60 1/8 inches. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Gift of Juan and Anna Marie Hamilton. [2000.3.410] Dress, Wrap. 46 x 55 1/2 inches. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Gift of Juan and Anna Marie Hamilton. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum [2000.3.601] Photographed by Addison Doty.

Throughout her life she nurtured an organic garden, stocked a well-designed pantry, assembled a signature wardrobe, and created renowned artwork. Making a Life tells the story of O’Keeffe’s ingenuity and creativity as a maker through incredible objects in the Museum’s collection. “The Museum’s collection has grown tremendously in recent years, and many of the new items have been gifts or acquisitions of O’Keeffe’s personal belongings. We are thrilled for audiences to finally see some of these items in the galleries and imagine how O’Keeffe included them in her everyday life,” MuseumDirector Cody Hartley says. “This exhibit, in many ways, gives visitors an early indication of the Museum’s long-term hopes for displaying collection items in the new O’Keeffe Museum.”
Radical Abstraction will be on view through October of 2023 and Making a Life will be on view through Spring of 2024.
For media inquiries, contact:
Renee Lucero, Public Relations Manager
Image credits:
Georgia O’Keeffe. My Last Door, 1952-1954. Oil on canvas, 48 1/4 x 84 3/16 inches. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Gift of The Burnett Foundation. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. [1997.6.29] Photo: Tim Nighswander/IMAGING4ART
Carol Sarkisian, Wrap Dress, c. 1960s-70s. Cotton. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Gift of Juan and Anna Marie Hamilton.
Hector Aguilar. Belt, ca. 1950. Leather and silver. Taxco, Mexico. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Gift of Juan and Anna Marie Hamilton.
Abiquiú Home and Studio, Pantry. 2019. Krysta Jabczenski. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.
ABOUT THE GEORGIA O’KEEFFE MUSEUM: Since 1997, the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum celebrates the art, life, and independent spirit of Georgia O’Keeffe. Located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where Georgia O’Keeffe lived the final decades of her life, the O’Keeffe has sites and experiences in two historic destinations, Santa Fe and Abiquiú.
For more information, please visit