Hiding in Plain Sight: The O’Keeffe We Never Knew

  • Wednesday, July 6
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MT
  • Virtual

This event is free to attend. Please register in advance.

The notion of Georgia O’Keeffe as a loner, an artistic ascetic hiding out in the New Mexico badlands is as central to her mystique as it is untrue. In this conversation with Tim Gihring, host of The Object podcast from the Minneapolis Institute of Art, we discuss the fascinating origins of this legend and all the evidence to the contrary—from celebrity visits to FBI investigations. This conversation will be a fresh look at an enduring myth.

Tim Gihring is the writer, producer, and host of The Object, an award-winning podcast from the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Based in Minneapolis, Gihring has been a journalist for more than 25 years, writing for The Associated Press, Minnesota Monthly, and other magazines and newspapers around the world. His research on O’Keeffe was featured in the April 2022 episode of The Object, “Hiding in Plain Sight: The O’Keeffe We Never Knew.”

Note that all program times are in MST.

This event is FREE to attend. There is an option to make a $10 donation with your ticket. If you would like to make a gift of a different amount,  please click here. Your gift enables us to provide programming such as this.

Featured Image: Richard Pritzlaff. Georgia O’Keeffe, 1980. color photograph, 13 15/16 x 10 15/16. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. Gift of The Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation. [2006.6.846]

Upcoming Events

Red Mesa, Red, blue and green watercolors; Red Mesa and surrounding areas of green. Cream with blue sky background.

Event Classes

Online Class: Atmospheric Landscapes in Watercolor


Friday, September 13


Large magnified flowers on a horizontal canvas. The maroonish black petals of the hollyhock fill entire right side of the picture plain, with the smaller blue larkspur flowers covering the rest of the canvas on the left.

Event Classes

In-Person Class: Exploring 'Black Hollyhock Blue Larkspur, 1930' with Soft Pastels

217 Johnson Street, Santa Fe, NM, 87501

Saturday, September 14


A pale pink flower with a deeper pink center fills much of this work. It is complimented by a single green leaf that peaks out from behind the petals on the right side of the flower. Bits of other flowers are visible behind the central flower, as well.

Event Classes

Online Class: Abstracting Florals in Watercolor Part 2


Tuesday, September 17
