The O’Keeffe Welcome Center Store in Abiquiú will be closed today.

Still looking to shop for O’Keeffe-inspired goods? Browse through the Museum Store online.

Arts & Crafts: An Evening of Cocktails and Creativity

  • Monday, August 21
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MT
  • Santa Fe, NM

Friend-Level and Above Members ($250+) | Join an evening of cocktails and creativity in the garden

Join fellow supporters as Cody Hartley, Director, shares the latest updates on the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum’s exhibitions, programs, and campus expansion plans. Enjoy special O’Keeffe-inspired cocktails from Tumbleroot and experience the newly launched Art to G.O. truck, a mobile creativity studio.

This event is for all Friend-Level and Above Members ($250+). Please RSVP by August 14. To RSVP or for more information, contact Carly Jones, Manager of Leadership Giving, at or 505.946.1023.

Have questions or want to become a Member? Contact our Membership Office at 505-946-1022 or Or click the link below to join today!

Upcoming Events

Photograph of the Art to G.O truck surrounded with a garden

Event Community Events

Creative Aging with Art to G.O.

2008 Larrazolo Rd SW Albuquerque, NM 97501

Thursday, January 23


Photograph of a child sitting at a table making art with pieces of clay and a paintbrush.

Event Community Events

Create with O’Keeffe: Create Your Own Music Stick!


Thursday, January 23


Photograph of a person from below the elbow wearing a red apron. The focus is on their hands as they shape a bowl made of clay at a able covered with a sheet of paper.

Event Classes

In-Person Class: Coffee or Tea? Hand-built Ceramic Mug Workshop

217 Johnson Street, Santa Fe, NM

Saturday, January 25
